

BAFL is an Agro forestry organization which provides land related advisory and consultancy services as well as capacity building for state and non state actors in the conservation of forests and natural habitats. BAFL also works in partnership with Government agencies like, Local Government Departs, National Forestry Authority (NFA) to strengthen response efforts/interventions that are sustainable. BAFL has a wealth of professional expertise and Experience in Agroforestry interventions working directly with public and private organizations, with client focused approaches that maximize the potential of our clientele.

The BAFL Secretariat is managed and led by the Director who is deputized by two departmental managers and monitoring and evaluation Advisor in charge of; Agro Forestry Program, knowledge transfer and collaborative partnerships/initiatives, consultancies, advisory and services, Finance and administration.

Monitoring and Evaluation of the performance of the Agro Forestry Programme Under these two departments are four officers, Marketing & communications officer, technical Productions officer, Client relations & Quality assurance officer, site managers and site workers. The AgroForestry programme under human resources procedures are governed by the human resource manual that is updated every 3 years


Empower societies with future and lasting wealth for second and third generations through commercial AgroForestry with a better Eco system in Uganda.


To enable individuals, families, communities, organizations and institutions create future and lasting wealth for their second and third generations through commercial AgroForestry in Uganda while conserving endangered forest tree species and a better eco-system.


To empower 20,000 + Ugandans (abroad and inland) acquire and manage (private mailo /freehold) afforested land to create future and lasting wealth through production and sale of mature forest trees and timber while protecting the endangered forest tree species by 2028.


To make this vision and mission a reality, BAFL has set up a large commercial Agro Forestry plantation programme that creates high returns on investment income through harvesting mature planted Eucalyptus Grandis, Terminalia Catappa and other commercial trees for sale while protecting the endangered forest tree species. This is a demand driven approach where individuals or communities determine their contribution and BAFL nurtures and takes full responsibility in managing their forest plantations to maturity and harvesting for 50 years.



For small poles with the initial investment cost of UGX 11,000,000 the BAFL Programme purchases 1 acre of land with a processed land title on private mailo land and plants 1742 trees. After 2-3 years, it generates a gross income of UGX 8,500,000. The next harvest after 1-year generates a gross income of UGX 17,000,000. This is earned continually every after 2 years with a plough back investment cost of UGX 4,175,000

NB. After the harvest,when it comes to re-planting, a client has to pay half of the current price.


For electric poles initial investment costs UGX 10,400,000. BAFL Programme plants 890 trees on 1 acre of land (7×7’ feet plantation) after 5-6 years generating a gross income of UGX 70,000,000 – 105,000,000. There are continued earnings of UGX 70,000,000 – 105,000,000 every 5-6 years after replanting with a plough back investment for managing the plantation for 6 years at UGX 4,000,000.

NB. After the harvest,when it comes to re-planting, a client has to pay half of the current price.


For timber poles initial investment cost UGX 12,000,000. BAFL Programme plants 890 trees on 1 acre of land (7×7’ feet plantation) after 7-10 years generating a gross income of UGX 195,000,000 – 260,000,000. There are continued earnings of UGX 195,000,000 – 260,000,000 every 7-10 years after replanting with a plough back investment for managing the plantation for 10 years at UGX 4,250,000.

NB. After the harvest,when it comes to re-planting, a client has to pay half of the current price.


BAFL acts as a forest fund which is professionally managed by an experienced Agro forestry manager with a technical team under the BAFL commercial tree planting Agro forestry programme where the Client/Investor makes an initial investment of UGX 7,000,000 or more, basing on the number of acreage which caters for;

  1. Purchase of an acre(s) of land with a private mailo/ freehold land title(s).
  2. BAFL Manages the process of setting up nursery beds of Eucalyptus seedlings, thorough land preparation, pre-plant only good quality seedlings, during early rains and most importantly regular weeding in the first few months after planting, pruning, thinning, fire protection and pre and post harvest handling for better yield and production and replanting.
  3. Client/Investor gets returns during the harvest period, when the trees have attained their maturity. The advantage of this model is that the investor doesn’t have to worry about the management of the Forest/fund on a day to day basis, only gets regular update reports (usually quarterly) on the performance of the investment and they can expect audited financial statements as part of the professional management of the programme fund.
  4. High returns on Investment /Low risk of investment. Despite the long maturity period, forests have a double advantage over many other investments. The timber is an asset and the land (private mailo/freehold) is an asset as well.

The annual consumption of wood in Uganda is estimated at 25 million tonnes with household fuel wood consumption the highest percentage of all the wood used at 45%. The trend in the demand for wood is likely increase for the foreseeable future; there are enormous investment opportunities for value addition activities in the forestry sector. Currently only 10,000/ha are planted annually in Uganda which is too small to meet the required demand for sawn timber alone, which requires a total of 200,000/ha. Another 200,000/ ha of forest plantations will be needed to enter the regional export market and meet the need for other wood products like, transmission poles, and pulp. In the local market timber and poles are bought by traders ranging from pit sawyers and saw millers and traded in urban centres for construction and furniture. However today Eucalyptus grandis species is a multipurpose, fast-growing commercial tree and has a ready market. It has a wide range of products such as firewood, charcoal, and construction materials, fencing posts, transmission poles, pulpwood, timber and plywood. Currently Eucalyptus grandis has an impressive internal rate of return of 25% and Benefit to Cost ratio of 6:1. E. grandis is best suited to deep soils in the cooler, moist areas – particularly in the west around Kabarole and Bushenyi, and the Central region. ( NFA 2017)


BAFL is committed to providing excellent services. It’s a has extensive experience in Land administration and management issues like financing consenting families in acquiring their land, processing letters of administration, surveying, land use consultancy, processing land titles for individuals, communities, and institutions. The current financial performance of the commercial tree planting agro forestry Programme has reached 252 clients from 2016 to 2018 in 6 districts of the central region in Uganda


BAFL is an Agro forestry organization which provides land related advisory and consultancy services as well as capacity building for state and non state actors in the conservation of forests and natural habitats. BAFL also works in partnership with Government agencies like, Local Government Departs, National Forestry Authority (NFA) to strengthen response efforts/interventions that are sustainable. BAFL has a wealth of professional expertise and Experience in Agro forestry interventions working directly with public and private organizations, with client focused approaches that maximize the potential of our clientele.


BAFL has established collaborative partnership with National Forestry Authority Uganda in transforming marginalized communities using the agro forestry programme strategy aligned to the Sustainable Forest management and conservation. BAFL has also partnered with the media especially Prime Radio FM 91.9 Kampala which has a coverage of 8 districts in the central region. BAFL also partners with national television stations like; BBS TV, BUKEDDE TV and KS TV whose coverage is country wide.

Our Impact

3200 k
1213 +
3872000 +